Relative Pronoun di dalam bahasa inggris menjadi sesuatu yang dirasa sulit.padahal sebenarnya sangatlah mudah jika kita telah memahami konsep dasar Relative pronoun itu sendiri.  arti  relative pronoun adalah sebagai berikut 
"its a conjunction that's used to form one sentence from two clause". jadi artinya adalah merupakan kata penghubung untuk menggabungkan  dua klausa menjadi satu kalimat. 

   berikut ini adalah daftar dari Relative Pronoun 
1. That--> mengganti pronoun orang/benda baik subyek ataupun obyek
2. Who --> mengganti subyek kalimat (orang)
3. Whom --> mengganti obyek kalimat (orang)
4. Which --> mengganti subyek/obyek benda
5. Whose---> menerangkan kepemilikan
6. When---> mengganti kata keterangan
7. Where --> mengganti keterangan tempat

Relative Pronoun  memiliki bermacam jenis diantaranya :
A. Subyek Pronoun
Main clause : The student is very smart.
Sub Clause  : He is from solo.
Sebelum menggabungkan coba tentukan manakah unsur yang ada di kedua kalimat diatas!. jika dianalisis adalah kata "The student dan He". 
Dikatakan sebagai Subyek Pronoun karena makna sepadan The Student dalam hal ini (HE) merupakan Subyek kalimat.
Maka akan menjadi :
The student WHO is from solo is very smart.
Relative pronoun WHO mengganti Pronoun HE pada sub clause. 

B. Obyek Pronoun
Main Clause : The women is Standing over there.
Sub Clause : I was Telling You About Her 
The Women Whom i was telling you about Is standing over there.

The man is very Kind
His House is very beautiful
Combine: The man WHOSE house is very beautiful is very kind.

D. Using When
Andi's birth day is on Sunday
We will meet on that day
 Andi's birth day is on Sunday WHEN i will meet
Dan masih banyak lagi jenisnya. maka dari itu disini penulis akan memberikan contoh soal yang bisa anda coba. jika menemukan kesulitan anda boleh contact penulis di kolom komentar.

Combine the following pairs of sentences into a good English.
1. Julius Caesar came to Britain in 55 BC. He was a powerful Roman General.
2. These Cactus Plants Should not have too much water. they will grow in pots indoors
3. They Are still working on the motorway. its  complation date was last May.
4. The Antiquities of Egypt Should not be missed. Such alot has been written about them. 
5. The pelican is a very queer looking bird. his beak can hold more than his belly can.
6. Helicopter can land near the center of a large city. They do not neet a long runway.
7. The World has to be a great adventure for him. He knew very little about world.
8. The Irawaddy flows through countless large swamps. it is one of the most important rivers in Asia.
9. The Dover Calais hovercraft makes the crossing in 30 minutes. it carries about 20 vehicles.
10. Dr. Jonson often met his friends in the coffee cafe.His house was quite near.
11. The shops store food in their deep freezes. the deep freezes however need a constant electricity supply.
12. the programme came by the Nassa satellite. It went into fixed orbit in 2011.
13. Th Nassa Ocean Satellite relays hundreds of signals. The satellitehas been in possition in 2011
14. Is that the new station? You pointed it out to me last week
15. This is the man. i gave money to him this morning.
16. Anne Boleyn was Hendry VIII's second wife. Hendry executed her in 1536.
17. Who would look elsewhere, as Henry did? He had such a charming wife.
18. Last Week iwent to see the country town. He Used to live in that town.
19. Mozart Spent the last ten years of his life in Vienna. His Birthplace was Salzburg
20. The matter has been settled. You were arguing about it last night.

Nah sekarang cobalah mengerjakan! Tuliskan jawabanmu di kolom komentar. jika salah akan segera penulis koreksi, Terima kasih, salam literasi.

answer :

1.Julius Caesar who was a powerful Roman General came to Britain in 55 BC.
2.These Cactus Plants that/which grow in pots indoors Should not have too much water.
silahkan melanjutkan.

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